Refreshed and Reborn
So it's been a month since everything went upside down for me personally. I am alright now, it was a rough month but I'm gonna stay...
Short Animation for Company
It has been a while since I posted last. These past two months has been busy apply for jobs while keeping my skills active. I still have...
New Year, New Opportunities
It has been a long while since my last update but its been a busy few months. Having two jobs, one in retail and the other in animation,...
Even more animations
It's been a while since I last updated this blog so I apologies for that. It's been a busy few weeks both workwise and homewise....
New Project Tasks
Since accepting a freelance internship, I have been tasked to produce multiple animations. I can't reveal what exactly it is for (as tbh...
Lip Syncing Practise
So, since I have not used Maya a lot (or pretty much ever) I thought I would try a bit of lip syncing for my own animation project....
All my results are in and...
I have just been given my final project/disseration marks and I got a first!!! Such a nice surprise for today. I was hoping I had done...
Some Uni Results
Finally got some results back from university and it turns out I did pretty well in the Animation. Like...88% well on my final showreel...